Cyber & Health
This 6th edition of the Cyber & Health conference, organised by Biotech Santé Bretagne and the SIB, will once again highlight the key stakeholders of the sector and their challenges. Speakers will address current issues with a feedback on the CaRE program (Cybersecurity Acceleration and Resilience of establishments). Organisers are planning to share different practices between healthcare establishments on cyber attack management. To round off the conference, a session will be devoted to the relationship between suppliers (software/medical devices/equipment) and healthcare institutions. This conference is aimed at both healthcare and cybersecurity professionals. The aim is to bring together all the parties involved, so that professionals can work together more effectively to tackle the challenges of cybersecurity in the healthcare sector.
09h00-09h15: Welcome and opening remarks
- Biotech Santé Bretagne
09.15-10.30 - SESSION 1: How is the CaRE programme progressing one year after its launch?
The CaRE programme aims to accelerate the upgrading of hospital information systems in the face of the current cyber threat and to strengthen the resilience of healthcare establishments over the long term. Through the eyes of three stakeholders - the French government, a healthcare establishment and a cybersecurity solutions provider - we will decipher the programme's progress and what remains to be done.
Speakers to be identified
Break from 10.30am to 11.00am
11:00 - 12:00 - SESSION 2 Feedback from a cyber attack on a healthcare establishment
Cyber attacks can paralyse all or part of hospital information systems and leak sensitive data. This is a major risk for healthcare establishments. Through the testimony of a university hospital recently cyber-attacked and professionals in the field, we will benefit from feedback and constructive tools to better counter cyber-attacks.
Speakers to be identified
Lunch break 12.00-13.30
13:30-15:00 - SESSION 3: Cyber attacks in healthcare: how are our European neighbours reacting?
We will broaden our vision by inviting a European region to talk about its experience and/or its application of the regulations in force.
Break 3pm - 3.30pm
3.30 pm - 4.30 pm - SESSION 4: What is at stake in structuring the safety of social and medico-social establishments?
As part of EDIH Bretagne, cybersecurity diagnostics are offered to social and medico-social establishments. The players involved will give us their feedback.
16h30 - 17h45 - SESSION 5: How is the sector structured to improve the security of healthcare software?
How can security requirements be communicated? How can we provide operational assistance to establishments in integrating secure solutions? How can we facilitate the adoption of secure digital solutions? The players in the sector are working on this and will be coming along to give you some concrete examples of tools.
Speakers to be identified
17h45-18h - Conclusion